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Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Blog Farm

It’s funny how many people call themselves internet marketers but how few of them actually establish a blog farm when embarking upon a new business venture. It's not easy to make money with a niche blog but, if you are trying to make money online in a niche, you shouldn’t just spend all your time on one website but rather create a small army of websites that you can use to push the “authority site” towards success. I’ve jumped into several niches at this point and I’d have to agree with some of the guru’s like Grizz when he says that the MMO niche is great for laughs but will ultimately result in tears if you’re hoping to get rich from it…

Sure, if you don’t mind selling people ebooks and software programs to make a few bucks then it can probably cover your basic living expenses but the fact of the matter is that the niche is extremely saturated and people that come to your website looking for information about how to make money online are most likely not trying to spend anything i.e. adsense and pay per click revenue models are going to work the best.

To make matters worse, there is an extreme amount of competition for a small amount of search traffic in the niche. Think about it, if everyone is busy going after one thing, that leaves the rest of the playing field fairly wide open. I’m not saying that you should stay away from the niche but what I am saying is that you should use what you learn in regard to internet marketing and search engine optimization to tackle a niche with less competition, i.e. a niche that is not dominated by internet marketers!

I make a few bucks from my MMO sites but I’ve found that by applying the things I’ve learned towards what I call “buying markets,” the revenue comes in a lot higher and a lot faster. Take a minute to hop over to wordtracker’s free keyword tool or the adsense adwords keyword tool and type in the word “buy.” It will give you a million ideas that result in traffic that actually has a need and more importantly, people that are ready to pull out their credit card and spend. Hey, I’m not talking about fleecing sheep here but rather being the person to supply something that they need, something that will have a positive effect on their life.

To make things clear, this blog is pretty much a place for me to rant about ideas I come across regarding internet marketing, search engine optimization and wacky ways to make money online. Is this website part of my blog farm? You bet it is, if at some point it starts to get traffic that beats out my other sites in the niche, then the other sites may become the farm and this may very well become the authority site. All I’m saying is that at a certain point you will run out of easy ways to get relevant anchor text backlinks so start building a farm of blogs, lenses, hubs and websites that you can use to give your SERP’s a boost when they find themselves under attack by competitors.

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